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A mental health illness known as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects both adults and children. It is the mental illness in youngsters that is diagnosed the most frequently. Even though it can affect adults as well, it frequently goes undetected. As the name implies, ADHD results in symptoms of impulsivity (doing without thinking), hyperactivity (moving excessively or finding it difficult to stay still), and inattention (inability to focus).

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ADHD symptoms can manifest in children and adults in different ways.

While the majority of school-age children are highly active and find it difficult to remain still for extended periods of time, children diagnosed with ADHD will have symptoms that are notably more severe than those of their classmates.

Inattentive type symptoms:

  • Doesn’t pay close attention to details
  • Makes careless mistakes in schoolwork or professional tasks
  • Has difficulty staying focused during lectures, conversations or reading
  • Does not seem to listen during conversation
  • Does not follow instructions
  • Difficulty organizing tasks or spaces
  • Forgets simple tasks, such as chores, returning phone calls, keeping appointments
  • Frequently losing items such as schoolwork, books, keys, wallet, phone, etc

Hyperactive/Impulsive type symptoms:

  • Frequently fidgets
  • Consistently taps hands or feet
  • Unable to stay seated at work or school
  • Unable to play or do leisure activities quietly
  • Talks too much
  • Finishing people’s sentences
  • Difficulty waiting their turn
  • Interrupts others
  • Blurts out answers before questions have been completely asked


As of yet, researchers are unable to pinpoint the precise cause of ADHD. On the other hand, some people speculate that ADHD may be inherited. Genetics is likely involved because three out of every four children diagnosed with ADHD have a relative who also has the condition.


At Psychiatry Associates, we discover that behavioral therapy plus medication works well to treat ADHD in both adults and children. Behavioral therapy offers techniques to enhance structure and order while teaching patients self-control over their behavior. The degree of each patient's ailment will determine the appropriate course of treatment.

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