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Anxiety is a normal response to pressure. Anxiety is not always a bad thing, even if it can be an unpleasant emotion. Anxiety, for instance, regarding an impending interview can aid in improving readiness for the situation. However, anxiety is categorized as an anxiety disorder when it results in excessive worry that is out of proportion to the circumstance and impairs one's capacity to operate properly.

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Anxiety is a normal response to pressure. Anxiety is not always a bad thing, even if it can be an unpleasant emotion. Anxiety, for instance, regarding an impending interview can aid in improving readiness for the situation. However, anxiety is categorized as an anxiety disorder when it results in excessive worry that is out of proportion to the circumstance and impairs one's capacity to operate properly.

Thirty percent of adults suffer from anxiety problems at some point in their lives. It should be noted that anxiousness is not limited to grownups. Anxiety disorders in children may also be inherited or brought on by environmental variables. Many people with anxiety disorders lead regular, productive lives with successful employment and relationships. Anxiety disorders are often very curable.

Types Of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders come in numerous forms, and each has its unique set of symptoms. One's capacity to operate in everyday situations is hampered by tension that is out of proportion to the circumstances, which is one of the general symptoms of anxiety. These signs can be further categorized based on the kind of anxiety problem a person has.

I. Generalized Anxiety Disorder:

Excessive and ongoing concern that makes it difficult to go about regular tasks. Muscle tightness, exhaustion, restlessness, and trouble concentrating are frequently present as well. When a person has an anxiety condition, everyday stressors and problems like financial or work-related obligations cause them to feel deeply anxious.

II. Panic Disorder:

Panic attacks that recur frequently and are accompanied by physical symptoms including sweating, shivering, shortness of breath, dizziness, numbness, and chest discomfort. These panic episodes frequently cause the victim to fear they are going to die or be misdiagnosed as heart attacks.

III. Social Anxiety Disorder:

Fear of looking down on, rejected, embarrassed, or humiliated in social situations. This kind of anxiety condition can cause a person to shy away from social events, public speaking engagements, and meeting new people.

IV. Separation Anxiety Disorder:

Anxiety about being separated from people to whom one is attached is a common symptom of separation anxiety disorder in children. This person might be so terrified of losing their partner that they won't leave their side, not even when they're sleeping or going on an outing.


Behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and medication (if necessary) are our go-to treatments for anxiety disorders in both adults and children at Psychiatry Associates. Through psychotherapy, the patient may gain a deeper understanding of their condition and acquire cognitive strategies to keep fear from controlling their thoughts. The degree of each patient's ailment will determine the appropriate course of treatment. If medicine is recommended, it is usually only for a brief time while the patient develops coping mechanisms for their anxiety.

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